Membership Info
Downtown Alameda is a thriving historic district filled with charming shops, delicious eats, creative culture, and a variety of personal and professional services. The Downtown Alameda Business Association was formed in 1981 by community leaders and downtown business owners with the goal of developing an economically prosperous business district through a united effort of its members. Membership fees are vital to maintaining and decorating public areas in the downtown district, supporting committee efforts to create a desirable business climate, as well as promoting the downtown district to a wide audience. Promoting a healthy retail/service climate in our downtown district benefits the entire community.
Member Benefits
- Free listing on the Downtown Association website with description of your business and link to your website
- Invitation to our membership mixers
- Marketing and sponsorship opportunities
- Opportunities to promote your special events and offers via our website, newsletter, and social networks
- Discounted group advertising rates with local newspapers and other media
- Access to other promotional opportunities negotiated by the Downtown Association on your behalf, as they become available
- Monthly email newsletter and other updates related to doing business in Alameda
- Opportunities to get involved with the Downtown Association’s committees and roundtables
Membership Categories:
BIA Members
Businesses located within the Park Street Business Improvement Area (BIA) are automatically members of the Downtown Association. (view map)
All retail, professional, and service businesses located within the downtown boundaries are automatically BIA Members. The annual assessment fee is due at the same time as the business license fee. The boundaries of the downtown BIA district roughly include Park Street from San Jose Ave to Blanding Ave, and the side streets between Oak Street and Broadway.
BIA Members have the special privilege of voting on issues put to the general membership. BIA Members may also be elected to the Board.
Associate Members
Businesses operating in Alameda and located outside the Downtown boundaries may become Associate Members.
Our Associate Membership program allows businesses operating in other parts of Alameda to support our mission while taking advantage of member benefits and a variety of marketing opportunities.
Become a member of Alameda's downtown business community!
Get Involved
Members interested in becoming involved with any of the Downtown Association’s many activities should contact us at office @