The Downtown Alameda Business Association is hard at work year-round with our 450+ businesses in mind. The Downtown Association promotes a healthy retail/service climate as well as a district that is family-friendly, clean, green, and safe. The welfare of the association and its members is actively pursued by staff, our Board of Directors, city officials, and civic-minded volunteers.
Board of Directors - 2024 Roster
President -
Sadiya Kazi-Koya, Swings and Wings
President-Elect -
Ron Mooney, Daisy's
Past President -
Jone Stebbins, Honey Salon
Treasurer -
Secretary -
Sabrina Cazarez, Twirl
Directors At Large
Naomi Berghoef, Mommy’s Trading Post
Casey Hunt, alley & vine
Mike Yakura, Spinning Bones
Tony Yu, Pampered Pup
Committee Chairs
Marketing -
Shannon Marsden, Julie's Coffee & Tea Garden
Outreach -
Steve Busse, Park Centre Animal Hospital
Clean, Green & Safe -
Directors Emeritus
Kyle Conner, Alameda Theatre & Cineplex and Cinema Grill
Donna Layburn, Alameda Marketplace and Alameda Natural Grocery
Support Team
Executive Director
Kathy Weber
Membership & Events
Ali Savage
Membership & Events
Allison Grant
Marketing & Social Media
Mei-Ling Jenks
Graphic Design
HalfCity Design, Bridget Halberstadt