Studio M Salon
Style, Comfort, Beauty: A Relaxing and Serene Experience Awaits You
Studio M is a beautiful space in which you can let yourself be pampered — we invite you to enjoy our welcoming and professional environment. The hair stylists at our salon believe that offering the latest in styles and the best in products is what every client deserves.
Artsy Color Lounge
Body Mind Chiropractic
As a chiropractor, Dr. Ashanna Sevin delivers neurological adjustments to interrupt the dysfunctional loops that cause pain, allowing your body the chance to heal and align from the inside out. Dr. Ashanna is also passionate about working with patients to release old postures so that the body, mind, and heart are all healing together. The adjustments are gentle yet powerful.
Dr. Ashanna Sevin holds a Doctorate in Chiropractic Medicine (with honors). Her post-graduate training includes the fields of neuroscience, body-mind medicine, and advanced chiropractic techniques.
D.H. Charles Engineering
D.H. Charles Engineering, Inc. is dedicated to providing construction engineering services to contractors throughout the United States and Canada. We understand the growing needs our clients face, and have remained dedicated to providing the response and level service they’ve come to count on from DHC for over twenty-five years. A professional and experienced staff of engineers and CAD drafters ensures projects are prepared efficiently and accurately by qualified personnel, and in many cases, same day turnaround is provided.
Interline Technologies
Interline Technologies is a product and consulting business that helps organizations understand and improve transportation networks, digitally. Products that we offer include Transitland, Valhalla, and OSM Extracts.
Customized consulting services are available to organizations looking to integrate Interline’s transit and routing platforms into their own systems.